News & Announcements

G.O. Bond Referendum Flier

On Tuesday, November 5, 2024, our voters will consider a bond referendum of up to $20.615 million. These funds would support a bold proposal to enhance safety and security, strengthen our facilities, and create new spaces to help students fulfill their potential without increasing our debt levy property tax rate.

GO Bond Information

Exciting News! CPU’s G.O. Bond Website is Now Live! Stay informed and get all the details on the upcoming G.O. Bond by visiting our brand-new site! Check it out here: or scan the QR code Learn more about how this bond will…

Subscribe to District News

Stay Informed Even If You’re Not Connected If you’re part of our broader community and aren’t directly connected to a school, you can still receive updates on major district and school events via email. These updates will include the Superintendent’s Update, info on the 2024 G.O. Bond, HS…

CPU School Board Approves Bond Measure for November 5 Ballot

At the August 19, 2024 regular meeting, the CPU School Board approved a $20.61 million bond referendum that will appear on the ballot Tuesday, November 5, 2024. Please read the entire official press release HERE.

Annual Notices 2024-25

As required by Iowa law, all school districts must notify parents annually of certain policies and notices. Please visit the following link for a complete list of these policies:…

Center Point-Urbana Intermediate School Recognized as a Promising Practices Professional Learning Community at Work

Center Point-Urbana (CPU) Intermediate School was recently recognized by Solution Tree as a Promising Practices Professional Learning Community at Work® for its initial success in raising student achievement. For the official press release, click here:…

Primary Playground Ribbon Cutting Ceremony

Check out aerial footage of the new playground HERE…

CPU Board Approves Petition for November 5 Referendum

At its meeting on July 17, the Center Point-Urbana School Board approved thepetition language to place a $20.61 million bond referendum on the ballot for November 5, 2024. For more information, please see the official press release.

CPU Schools Hires Primary School Principal

The Center Point-Urbana (CPU) Community School District has named Dani Kremer as the district’s next primary school principal.  Kremer currently serves as an instructional coach in CPU and holds several leadership positions within the district. She acts as a mentor for new teachers and is an active member of the…

Free Summer Meals Available for children 18 and Under

Feeding Lunches to Youth (FLY) serves sack lunches Monday through Friday beginning May 31 – August 22. Lunches are prepared and delivered each day by volunteers from the community.  The purpose is to provide a lunch for students in need throughout the summer months. Lunches are available Monday through…