Welcome to CPU Schools

Center Point-Urbana Community School District is comprised of two incorporated towns: Center Point, with a population of approximately 2,400 and Urbana, with approximately 1,400.

The district consists of a primary school (grades PK-2) in Center Point, an intermediate school (grades 3-5) in Urbana, a middle school (grades 6-8) in Center Point, and a high school (grades 9-12) in Center Point.

The District Office is also located in Center Point at the High School.

About the District

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Speech (Home)

Array • 12:00 am

Track: Boys Varsity vs. Alburnett Belle Plaine Grinnell North Linn South Tama Springville Union Community School District Valley Lutheran Xavier>Multiple Schools (Away)

Benton Community High School • 4:30 pm

Track: Girls Varsity vs. Alburnett Denver Community Schools Mount Vernon North Linn South Tama Springville Union Community School District Valley Lutheran Waterloo West Xavier>Multiple Schools (Away)

Benton Community High School • 4:30 pm

All Events


Dirk Troutman Named Next CPU Intermediate School Principal.

CPU Awarded $72,641 Grant for Computer Science!

CPU Partners with Care Solace

All Announcements
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General Obligation Bond Website

Please visit our G.O. Bond website that was approved by CPU voters on Tuesday, November 5, 2024! Voters approved $20.615 miillion to improve our district! Please click here!

Stormin’ Pointer Pride

Brady Conway
Send Your Submission


Graduation rate



Middle School students who participated in at least one (1) school-sponsored activity



High School students involved in at least one school-sponsored activity



High School students who participated are involved in multiple extracurricular activities.