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Intermediate Principal Bio
Welcome to the Center Point-Urbana Intermediate webpage. I have been fortunate enough to be part of the Center Point-Urbana School District since 2008. My wife Tonya (ARNP at Regional Medical Center in Manchester, Iowa) and I moved here with our three children (Payton, Cameron, and Avery) from the Central Lee School District in southern Iowa. Our two oldest children both…
2022-23 Parent-Teacher Conferences Feedback Survey Results
Please see the link to the Fall 2022 and Spring 2023 results of the CPU Parent-Teacher Conferences Survey. A big THANK YOU to the 400+ stakeholders who took the survey! The district’s goal is to continuously improve and are thankful for the feedback that shows noticeable growth and improvement from Fall to Spring.…
Welcome to the Center Point-Urbana Community School District! The Center Point-Urbana (CPU) Community School District is a growing district that serves students in the communities of Center Point and Urbana. Our buildings include: Center Point High SchoolGrades 9-12 | Center PointMiddle SchoolGrades 6-8 | Center PointIntermediate SchoolGrades 3-5 | UrbanaPrimary SchoolGrades PK-2 | Center Point…
Reconsideration Committee for Objection to Instructional Materials
This committee relates to Board Policy 605.03 and its lateral exhibits and regulations which can be found on the Simbli site. The committee is made up of seven members: The Reconsideration Committee(1) One licensed employee designated annually, as needed, by the superintendent.(2) Two teacher-librarians designated annually by the superintendent.(3) One member of…
Mental Health Resources for Parents and Staff
Students’ unmet mental health needs can be a significant obstacle to student academic, career and social/emotional development and even compromise school safety. Schools are often one of the first places where mental health crises and needs of students are recognized and initially addressed. Below is a list of mental health services available throughout the metro area. This is not a…