CPU Athletic Booster Club
The CPU Athletic Booster Club is an organization that supports the athletic programs of the CPU School District. We raise money through multiple fundraising efforts. In the past years, we have paid for the Athletic Trainer, uniforms, upgrades of the track and football field area, upgrades of the weight room and partnered with the CPU Music Parents for updates of the concession stand. Please consider supporting the CPU Athletic Booster Club to continue our efforts to better our CPU Athletic Programs.

CPU Sports Booster Club email – CPUBooster@cpuschools.org
CPU Booster Club Apparel Link – Use the following link to purchase CPU apparel – https://cpuboosterclub.itemorder.com/shop/home/
Booster Club Meeting Notes/Agenda
Athletic Booster Club Donation Information
Black and Gold – $50
Bronze – $100
Silver – $275 – includes 1 regular activity pass or 2 Student Passes (please indicate which pass you would prefer)
Gold – $525 – Includes 2 activity Passes
Diamond – $775.00 – Includes Family Pass
Platinum – $1100 includes Family Pass and Banner which will be placed at the football field during football season and moved to the softball/baseball fields in the spring. Banner can be a business logo or personal message. Example – “Go CPU” The Smith Family or ” Have a Great Year CPU” The Johnsons.
Banner Only– $500 for the 24/25 School year.
Link to Join CPU Athletic Booster Club

Past Accomplishments of the CPU Athletic Booster Club
- Garmins for Girls and Boys Golf
- Football Helmet Repurposing
- Cheer Signs
- Installation of Lights for State Sign
- Track Wrestling Clocks
- Dr. Dish for Girls and Boys Basketball
- Helped cover cost of new shot clocks
- Tents for Girls and Boys Soccer
- Tents for Girls and Boys track
- Pitching Machine for Softball
- Softball Scoreboard Branding
- Helped cover the cost of new headsets for Football
- Olympic Bars for Weight Room
- Bus Transportation to State events for Volleyball
- Away Meals for Varsity Players
- Storm Cast Sponsorship
CPU Coaches Request Form
Clubs and Organizations
The Center Point-Urbana CSD Stormin’ Pointers offer the below clubs and organizations for our students:
- Archery
- Art Club
- CPU Builders & Fixers
- DEI (Diversity/Equity/Inclusion)
- FCA (Fellowship of Christian Athletes)
- Garden Club/Pointer Planters
- National Honor Society
- Prom Committee
- Robotics/FTC
- Spanish Club
- STORM Troopers
- Stormin’ Normin
- Stormin’ Pointer Press
- Student Council
- Student Lighthouse Team
- Yearbook
A CPU Booster Club Can Drive is scheduled for October 26th. Drop off cans at the bus barn starting at 8:00 or place your cans out to the curb by 7:30 for pick up. Proceeds go towards the CPU Girls’ Golf program.