Intermediate Principal Search 2025-26: CLICK HERE

Search Results

Parent Teacher Conferences

Conferences are now open. Good morning, conference sign up link is live. Please use the link below to sign up for parent teacher conferences. Reach out to your student’s teachers with any questions. Thank you. Pointer Pup Preschool K-2nd Grade Conference 3rd-5th…

School Improvement

District Goals & Priorities and School Improvement PlansDistrict Goals and PrioritiesHigh School – School Improvement PlanMiddle School – School Improvement PlanIntermediate – School Improvement PlanPrimary – School Improvement Plan Progress Monitoring and/or End of Year Reports…

Test interior page

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Students walking on a staircase at CPU Middle School

CPU Schools Hires Primary School Principal

The Center Point-Urbana (CPU) Community School District has named Dani Kremer as the district’s next primary school principal.  Kremer currently serves as an instructional coach in CPU and holds several leadership positions within the district. She acts as a mentor for new teachers and is an active member of the Guiding Coalition and the MTSS (Multi-Tiered System of Support) Leadership…

Talented & Gifted

Welcome to the Center Point-Urbana CSD Talented & Gifted Program page! It is the mission of the Center Point-Urbana Talented & Gifted Program to extend and enrich the learning of high level learners in a challenging and rigorous learning environment. Continuum of Services Belief Statements Talented & Gifted Programming is…

Two high school students smile and laugh with each other while working on an assignment


Committed to ExcellenceThe Center Point-Urbana Community School District serves approximately 1,400 students in a 90-square mile area approximately 20 minutes north from downtown Cedar Rapids. Our district has retained all of the benefits of small-town life and offers an abundance of opportunities in terms of academic and extra-curricular activities.Mission Statement…

Mural in CPU middle school showing students participating in various activities

Our School History

Article:  The School Building and Growth (Excerpt from the book, Celebrating 150 Years:  Center Point, Iowa 1854-2004) The future of any community lies in its school system, and Center Point was no exception.  Youngsters in the community began learning their “3 R’s” in 1856 in a log school built just northwest of town.  Mr. Wilcox taught the…

Annual Notice of Nondiscrimination and Continuous Notice of Nondiscrimination

The Center Point- Urbana School District offers career and technical programs in the following service areas:    Architecture and Construction Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics Transportation Distribution and Logistics Business Management, and Administration Health Science Human Services  It is the policy of the Center Point-Urbana School District not to discriminate in its educational programs and/or activities on the basis of age…


If you’re part of the broader community and/or not directly connected to the school or active on social media, you can still receive updates on major district and school events via email. Major district and school events on this platform will include the Superintendent’s Update, information on the 2024 G.O. Bond, the HS Blood Drive, Veterans Day Program, and…

Standards-Based Learning

Grading Using Standards-Based Learning Purpose of Standards-Based Reporting The primary purpose of reporting on standards in the Center Point-Urbana Middle School is to communicate achievement status of standards to students, parents, and others. report separately responsibility, organization, and other citizenship skills. Secondary purposes of reporting on standards include: providing feedback to students for growth. encouraging student progress. self-monitoring of learning.