Intermediate Principal Search 2025-26: CLICK HERE

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Public Hearings

There will be a public hearing on the following topic(s) at the regular School Board Meeting beginning at the below provided time. Please note that a Public Hearing for a specific item may start late but not early.Comments can be given at the public hearing, submitted in writing, or emailed to: November 19, 2024Notice is hereby given that the…

Student Mental Health and Wellbeing

If someone you know is struggling emotionally or having a hard time,  you can be the difference in getting them the help they need. It’s important to take care of yourself when you are supporting someone through a difficult time, as this may stir up difficult emotions. If it does, please reach out to support yourself. Below are resources for…

Mental Health Resources for Parents and Staff

Students’ unmet mental health needs can be a significant obstacle to student academic, career and social/emotional development and even compromise school safety. Schools are often one of the first places where mental health crises and needs of students are recognized and initially addressed. Below is a list of mental health services available throughout the metro area. This is not a…

School Board Information

In addition to our School Board Meetings And Policies page, the Center Point-Urbana Community School District has additional school board related information our stakeholders may find useful. To access CPU Board public notice for meetings or for policies, documents, and School Board information, please click here. The Center Point-Urbana Community School District is governed by a…

Circular yellow sign with the CPU stormin' pointer logo in black

Transcript Request Form

College Planning

College Visits Want to know more about colleges?  Talk to a representative visiting our school during STORM Time.  Find the schedule here, on the bulletin board outside Student Services, or in the daily bulletin. College Admission Considering going to Iowa State University, the University of Iowa, or the University of Northern Iowa?  Check out how the…

4-year Old Preschool

Spend a Year Preparing for Kindergarten We are excited to welcome you and your family to the Center Point-Urbana Pointer Pup Preschool! Please register your child for an exemplary early learning educational experience. The objective of our 4-year-old preschool program is to provide a quality education for children during the year(s) before entering kindergarten. To attend, children must be four…

Middle School

Staff Directory Menus Handbook Infinite Campus Resource Center Middle School PTC sign up link Thank you to those of you that have already signed up for Parent Teacher Conferences, and for those that haven’t, we encourage you to sign…

Exterior of a school building with a brick sign that says