G.O. Bond website at:  cpufuture.org

Each year the sixth-grade students go on a 3-day campout to Camp IO-DIS-E-CA (by Solon) for a unique educational experience.  It is time for you to think about joining us.  We need volunteers to help us make the program successful.  You can stay with us all three days or just a few hours. Plan ahead and take some vacation time to spend some quality time with your child.  Please join us in this educational experience.  We will have a sign-up next fall. SAVE THE DATES: SEPTEMBER 14, 15, & 16!

Parent Opportunities to Help at Campout:
Group leader-follow a group of students during the day.
Kitchen help-prepare food, serve food, clean-up.
Spend the night-we need at least 26 parents each night.
Transport equipment.  
Help teach a session.


****Use these documents:

Letter to Incoming 6th Grade Parents

Explanations for Students (slide show for kids during first week of school)

Campout Slides (pictures from spring campout 2021)

Parent Packet for Meet and Greet (or first day of school)

Cover Letter (doc)

Explanation Letter (doc)

Bus Directions (doc)

Clothing and Equipment (doc)

Volunteer Form (doc)

Health Form (doc)

Permission Forms (T-shirt order) (doc)

Camp Guidelines/Regulations (doc)