About Middle School

Middle School
Thank you for visiting the Center Point-Urbana Middle School website. The MS Vision: Together We Lead, Learn, and Grow. We understand the challenges that are unique to middle school students and our responsibility to educate the whole child. The MS staff is committed to developing each student’s gifts.
Center Point-Urbana Middle School is located at 613 Summit Street in Center Point, Iowa. We serve approximately 300 students in grades 6-8. We have over 40 highly dedicated staff. Our Middle School includes over 25 classrooms, full-size gym/stage, two music rooms, a library, and a separate lunchroom.
CPU Middle School offers core courses, including Math, Language Arts, Literature, Science, and Social Studies. We offer Exploratory/Special Courses at each grade level including, Wellness, General Music, Art, Computer Science, S.O.A.R. (Guidance), and Physical Education, as well as a Talented and Gifted (TAG) program. Students are also offered the opportunity to be in Band and/or Choir. Our student schedule has built-in intervention time for Math and Reading/Literacy skills. We also include Social-Emotional/Behavioral Health instruction led by our school counselor for ALL students. CPU Middle School is a Leader In Me school and we implement “every student is a leader” in our building.
Please call the office at 319-849-1102 or send an email to ktupa@cpuschools.org to arrange a visit.