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Primary School
Staff Directory Menus Handbook Infinite Campus Resource Center Welcome to Center Point-Urbana Primary School! Our emphasis on a comprehensive curriculum, positive attitudes, strong values, and students make the Center Point-Urbana Elementary School a learning center that is committed to quality…
$20.615 Bond Measure Approved by Center Point-Urbana Voters
The voters of the Center Point-Urbana Community School District (CPU) haveapproved the $20.615 million general obligation bond referendum with approximately 63.4% of the vote, marking a significant milestone for the district’s continued growth and development! The bond will fund a comprehensive, multi-phase improvement plan aimed at enhancingeducational facilities and resources across all CPU schools. This investment will address theevolving needs…
Counselors of Center Point-Urbana CSD Jill Jirak, Preschool & Primary (319) 849-1102 ext 9-5606 Jill Fair, Intermediate (319) 849-1102 ext 9-4107 Cory Graven, Middle School (319) 849-1102 ext 9-3130 Ryan Topliff, High School 849-1102 ext 9-1214 Carmen Stenger, High School 849-1102 ext 9-3102 CPU K-12 Counseling Mission Statement The mission…
Hy-Vee Receipts
CASH 4 STUDENTS Save your HY-VEE receipts to earn money for CPU! Did you know the Primary & Intermediate buildings both collect Hy-Vee receipts? The school receives $1 for every $100 spent at Hy-Vee. Simply turn in your receipts to either attendance center and school personnel will take care of the rest. Contacts Sarah Tobiason, Primary PrincipalJon Hasleiet, Intermediate Principal…
Academic Planning
Course Planning Learn about courses offered at CPU High School and registration guidelines with the 2024-2025 Course Manual. Do you have a career area in mind and are wondering what classes to take? Check out our Career Cluster Pathways. Junior and senior students usually have room in their schedule to take a career academy set…
School Improvement Advisory Committee (SIAC)
Center Point-Urbana CSD Board Policy 600: Goals and Objectives of the Education Program along with Iowa Code 280.12 outlines the requirements of a School Improvement Advisory Committee (SIAC). The Board of Directors of each public school district and the authorities in charge of each nonpublic school shall annually appoint a school improvement…
Add Text and Other Options in CampusMessenger
The “Text” option to receive notifications for weather, etc. is now enabled in Infinite Campus; there was an error on Infinite Campus’ part during set up which has now been corrected. Directions are located on our website under the DISTRICT > INFINITE CAMPUS RESOURCE CENTER… or click the following direct link with easy step-by-step instructions:…