About High School

High School
The mission of the Center Point-Urbana High School is to develop positive and productive individuals interested in life long learning by providing a caring environment, a challenging curriculum and a dedicated staff.
CPU is – Caring individuals with Positive attitudes and are Upstanding citizens.
A major component of our high school curriculum revolves around student recognition and services which extend beyond the walls of the classroom. Traditional values in education, combined with an air of warmth and caring, support our belief that learning will only occur in a positive and rewarding environment.
We believe that…
- education is a partnership of school, home, and community.
- respect is a cornerstone for learning.
- diversity in individuals should be accepted and nurtured.
- education thrives best in a positive, friendly environment.
- an open community promotes understanding.
- what is best for students is best for education.
The Center Point-Urbana High School commits itself to the goal of educating the young people in this school district. We recognize that the school district encompasses a wide range of economic, social, religious, and family backgrounds and we are committed to offering the most complete program possible for our students. It is our goal to educate our students in such a way that they are prepared to choose among a wide variety of post-high school options, which will prepare them for a productive life. We believe that academic development as well as pride in academic excellence, is our priority as an educational institution. We further believe that academic development is but a part of living a happy and productive life. We strongly encourage the development of a positive self-image as well as a compassionate concern for those people surrounding each of us: students, teachers, family, or members of the community. We believe that we share with all schools an obligation to fulfill the general educational aims, which include the development of independent thinking, the building of ethical character, health, worthy home membership, worthy use of leisure time, and an appreciation of the fine arts. To achieve these aims, we commit ourselves to determining and fulfilling the individual needs of each and every student.
Please use the below directory information to contact a specific Main Office staff member or navigate to specific services, programs, or informational pages of our school!
School Information
School Color: Gold & Black
School Mascot: Stormin’ Normin
High School Population
District Population
Graduation Rate
14.5 to 1
HS Student/Teacher Ratio
Website: www.cpuschools.org
Activity Calendar: RSchools