High School

High School
New signage on CPU High’s windows…

Welcome to Center Point-Urbana High School!
The mission of the Center Point-Urbana High School is to develop positive and productive individuals interested in life long learning by providing a caring environment, a challenging curriculum and a dedicated staff.
We believe that…
- Education is a partnership of school, home and community.
- Respect is a cornerstone for learning.
- Diversity in individuals should be accepted and nurtured.
- Education thrives best in a positive, friendly environment.
- Open communication promotes understanding.
- What is best for students is best for education.
Positive School Climate
A major component of our high school curriculum revolves around student recognition and services which extend beyond the walls of the classroom. Traditional values in education, combined with an air of warmth and caring, support our belief that learning will only occur in a positive and rewarding environment.
In addition to academics, we have over thirty three co-curricular programs for students to get involved in. Student involvement is over 80%. Many will find one of their interests in at least one of the programs.

Get In Touch
Center Point Urbana High School
Fax: 319-849-2068
319-849-1102 Ext. 1009
Ext: 1100