Career Planning
High School
Use the tools below to help in your career exploration. Please reach out to a school counselor with any questions you may have.

CPU School District contracts with Xello, our career exploration online program. Students complete inventories to learn about themselves, related careers, and career and post-secondary options. This state-required work happens during Homeroom. Students can access Xello through their school gmail account.

Our contract with Workplace Learning Connection allows students to explore careers through job shadows and internships. Students in 10th-12th grade can sign up for three job shadow experiences throughout the school year. Job Shadows are 2-4 experiences at a worksite. Students in grades 11-12 can also apply for internships. These experiences occur at a worksite throughout a semester and students earn one elective credit. Students can create an account and apply during application windows.

ICAN offers free career and college exploration for students and families. Take a career assessment, explore options after high school, and review career planning resources.

MyACT allows you to take various interest inventories and matches your interests and skills to different career fields.
Career Options in Iowa
Future Ready Iowa allows students to explore their interests and matches them with careers, schools, and scholarships in Iowa. Explore all the career options Iowa has like Apprenticeships, ICR Future, Manufacturing, Explore Architecture, Construction, and Engineering (ACE), Explore Health Care, and Municipal Utilities.
Explore career options Iowa has like Apprenticeships, ICR Future, Manufacturing, ACE, Health Care, and Municipal Utilities
National Career Search Databases
O’Net and the Occupational Outlook Handbook are national career search databases.
CareerOneStop allows students to explore what they like to do and career fitting their interests and plans.
Learn about the branches of the military and which may be right for you.
Teach for America allows Americans to explore working in the education field while earning a salary and other benefits.
AmeriCorps is an opportunity for individuals of all ages and backgrounds to give their time and talent to strengthen communities across the country. Benefits include supplemental health insurance, childcare, loan deferment, and education awards for those planning to go to college. Similarly, Peace Corps offers service opportunities across the world.