Walker – Therapy Dog

Primary School

I’m Walker and I am the therapy dog at the Primary. I love coming to work everyday and hanging out with all of my friends at school. During my day you will see me by the front office in the morning greeting students as they arrive, visiting classrooms, and hanging out in the SOAR Classroom with Mrs. Jirak.
Some of my favorite activities are: reading books with students, doing morning rounds in each pod, laying in the sun, and seeing students give me the Thumb Wave!
I am with Mrs. Jirak, your School Counselor, every day in the afternoon in the Guidance Room. We have a very important job of teaching all the students at the Primary how to be kind and caring friends to each other.
While I love to interact with everyone there are a few guidelines that you should be aware of when visiting me. Please ask to pet me; if I am not working Mrs. Jirak will let you know it is okay. My favorite spots to be petted are my head, back, and belly. Also, please always remember to have gentle hands around me and use a quiet voice.
Remember to also have fun in school and learn while you are here! And be sure to follow all the school expectations!
Feel free to visit any time as I always like to make new friends!